This session provides you with an opportunity to see for yourself the difference rider education can make to a fall scenario. The segment will feature the following activities:
Two hours of basic gymnastics skill building will start your day. Here you will learn the correct ways to shape, roll, position arms and wrists, balance, body awareness and the control needed to become competent in a dive roll.
The next two hours will be spent transferring these skills to the simulator.
We will revisit the basic gymnastics skills learned on day 1 and look for ways for you to develop stronger skills while working at home. The time spent is dependent on progress of skills, hoping to be 1 to 1.5 hours.
The second part of the day two session will be devoted to skills on the simulator, here we will also visit a variety of different types of fall scenarios.
This program is designed to teach the basic skills to improve your body awareness and self-preservation.
*We can vary the speed and height to suit each individual’s needs.
* Our goal is to build confidence and muscle memory.
We believe this is only the beginning of your journey to being a better and safer rider. As with all sports practice is paramount and continued education is key.